Behind the scene of Family, Grandparents and Music art


Making beautiful clips is not something anybody can do without any special care for location, people, costumography, nice angles and great directing skills. Many times the hardest is to find good location. So, locations scouting is an expense too.

Making of - Pannonian house (3)

A while ago we rent Pannonian house for a week to enjoy some free time and comfort, but the location was so nice and heartwarming we needed to shoot some video clips there. Thank god to my “always prepared to shoot instinct” we took on vacation almost more equipment than clothes. It was the same when traveling to Tunisia, whole travel case and a backpack just with equipment.

Because the weather at time of being in Pannonian village was very chilly, we mostly stayed inside, going to restaurant and visiting relatives around. We had a visit from my girlfriend old parents, cousin and friends. And while we had time, we made some nice shooting sets. Using Sony FS700 with Odyssey7Q, few LED lights, a softbox and Kessler pocket traveler jib.

Making of - Pannonian house (4)
Not resting there, but making a low angle shot.

Making of - Pannonian house (2)

I really liked the Pannonian house, if I’ll ever had a chance to build a house, I would make it in similar way. I like natural wood and other elements, even the sofa and pictures were in style.

Here are some screenshots from finished video clips to see how well we used our time there.


I hope you liked it:)

Stay focused!

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